09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
The HANDY Model is Based On Predator-Prey Cycles
As indicated above, Human And Nature DYnamics (HANDY) was originally built based on the
predator-prey model. We can think of the human population as the predator", while nature
(the natural resources of the surrounding environment) can be taken as the prey", depleted by
humans. In animal models, carrying capacity is an upper ceiling on long-term population. When
the population surpasses the carrying capacity, mechanisms such as starvation or migration bring
the population back down. However, ...24 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
All Human Acheivement is the Result of Networking
Human achievement is entirely a networking phenomenon. It is by putting brains together through the division of labor—through trade and specialization—that human society stumbled upon a way to raise the living standards, carrying capacity, technological virtuosity, and knowledge base of the species. We can see this in all sorts of phenomena: the correlation between technology and connected population size in Pacific islands; the collapse of technology in people who became isolated, like n...Matt Ridley observes that isolated societies collapse, while networked societies succeed.
09 FEB 2011 by ideonexus
Not Everything is On the Internet
The Internet shows me more and more about those who participate in it, but I worry lest I forget that not everything or everyone in the world has a home on the Internet. Missing are those who cannot read or write, who have no access to a computer, or who chose to remain disconnected. There is a danger of coming to think that what cannot be found on an Internet search doesn’t exist, and that the virtual world is the world. It isn’t. However bizarre and incredible the people populating the ...It's easy to forget that there is a large portion of the population that is not online or not contributing because they cannot afford it or outright reject it.